
By Charlie17

Blue tits blethering!

BT1: It’s good to have a wee rest from feeding our young
BT2: It certainly is. What’s the gossip today?
BT1: Have you seen those swallows flying about!
BT2: Yes, they got very near our nesting box!
BT1: One flew into the conservatory!
BT2: You mean it bashed its head on the window!
BT1: Worse than that! He flew through the door and had to be picked up and released outside, but he seemed to be fine and flew away.
BT2: Do you know that thing he rests his camera on sometimes?
BT1: You mean the tripod.
BT2: Yes, well it fell over this morning. With his camera on it!
BT1: Is it okay?
BT2: Seems to be. What does blethering mean?
BT1: Just chatting about this and that.
BT2: Like we’re doing!

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