
By JohnW

Through a busy kitchen window.

Carolina has challenged us with ‘Through a Window’ for MonoMonday this week.  I trust this will fit the bill.  I may do a repeat shot after I clean it, but heaven knows when that will be . . .
I had a few in the camera, but they were not brilliant as I was using the telephoto at 600mm hand held through our bedroom window and heavily cropped  – I suppose I could have used one of those for the challenge.  The hares have made a bit of a reappearance and it looks like there are some adolescent young amongst them.  Not so the couple at extra.  We were a bit worried about the one on the right.  It had been lying sprawled out on the ground for some time with the other staying close by, but it finally got up and they trotted off.  Its right eye seems bright enough.
Many thanks to Carolina for hosting MonoMonday this month.

Ps - I've just spotted our small Cafetiere, I've been looking for that for ages . . .  :-))

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