
By ExtraDays

Perfect for Puttering

I finally spent an entire day going from one thing to another in 20 minute spurts; seems like I used to spend hours without a break, more or less. It worked wonderfully well: 20 minutes of weeding (or laundry, trimming, sweeping, planting, etc), resting for 20, repeat. I'm trying to find a way to work with a hip that flares up and hurts like hell; funny thing, I mostly feel the pain while resting. When I kneel or squat to work, it feels fine. Seems backward, doesn't it.
All this was interspersed with quick visits to the neighbor's chicken coop to see if the pretty black-laced gold Wyandotte hen was perking up. I'm tending to their 4 hens for the weekend, and all's well with the young birds, but this morning that particular hen wouldn't move to where she could eat and drink, so I kept bugging her,  and finally she joined the others and seems fine now. Please don't die on my watch, pretty bird.

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