
By tridral

Cwt arall

Cwt arall ~ Another hut

“People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.”
― Blaise Pascal

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Rydyn ni wedi cael 'stabl' fel rhan o olygfa geni ers amser maith. Nawr rydyn ni'n meddwl am ei rhoi yn yr ardd, felly rydw i wedi ei phaentio gyda diogelwr pren, fel y cwt. Gobeithio y bydd yn goroesi y tu allan.

Mewn newyddion arall, rydyn ni wedi dod yn ôl i brawf darllen llyfrau, proses a amharwyd gan adeiladu'r cwt. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio gorffen y llyfr presennol a chael peth amser i ffwrdd, fel gwyliau.

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We've had a 'stable' as part of the nativity scene for a long time. Now we are thinking of putting her in the garden, so I have painted her with a wooden protector, like the hut. Hopefully it will survive outside.

In other news, we're back to proof-reading books, a process that was interrupted by building the hut. We hope to finish the current book and have some time off, like a holiday.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Stabl golygfa'r geni, wedi'i phaentio â phren cadw
Description (English):  Nativity scene stable, painted with wood preserver

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