Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Birthday celebrations

I’m in danger of forgetting what day of the week it is tonight… it began as Trinity Sunday, the dedication day of our church (Holy Trinity) … only I didn’t make it to church, because when I should have been leaving I was feeling dire and let Himself go … by himself. I spent a couple of hours dozing with a book and recovered a bit …

And was therefore able to come to Edinburgh for my younger grandson’s birthday party. He’d been karting with his pals yesterday; today was for family. My daughter in law does epic parties and this - with a Mexican theme - was no exception. My younger son turned up with moustaches for all …

We played games - piñata bashing, tossing rings at a cactus (natch), pinning the tail on the donkey… and ate Mexican food and cake. We laughed madly and coloured in our placemats.

The photo hasn’t got everyone in it, as not all had arrived, but I think it’s amazing how we all look even before the drinks came out …

And now we’re all exhausted, even those of us who just turned up. Cheers, James …

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