That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Edinburgh (and East Lothian) Marathon

It's all very well having a marathon in the city but why on a Sunday? 

In pouring rain, we had to fight our way through hoardes of bodies - competitors lining up and their supporters - who crowded the roads and pavement, dodging dripping umbrellas just to get to church, having parked almost a mile away due to the necessary road closures.

Never having seen the business end of such an event, I often wondered what happened to the competitors' coats, or personal property during a race, now I know, as we passed the 'bag drop' vehicles, and a long line of double -decker buses whose function was less clear.

All these were gone by the time we left church, the road closures remained but the rain had stopped. I did feel for those who had spent many hours and miles in training, to become soaked before they had even set off but do hope they dried off sufficiently to enjoy the day.

Sooner them than me.

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