
By earthdreamer


Neither of us woke up feeling great, with sore throats and a distinct lack of energy. While E headed off to her conference I spent a lazy morning wandering around Avilés, seeking out images on another cool and cloudy day. I then did some research and found a bus to take me the few miles to the coast at Salinas with the aim of walking a bit of the northern coast path. There doesn't seem to be much of a culture around walking here. It was very hard to find the start and I got there in the end completely by chance. I walked as far as Santa Maria del Mar when the sun came out and I found a sheltered spot beside the beach to do some writing. It was almost deserted. I sat under a hole in the clouds for a good two hours, bemused by the clouds that kept threatening to take away the warmth but kept getting diverted! There hadn't been a lot of sun on this trip before now and it was very welcome.

E presented her paper, which went well, but was as exhausted as me when we reconvened early in the evening. Neither of us were up for going out so I cooked dinner at our apartment so we could get an early night.

This shot was taken at Salinas, a homage to the only view of the sea I'm going to have on this trip, plus a nod to Spain's embrace of public sculpture. There is work to be seen everywhere, and often in the most unexpected of places.

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