
By Hamp5on

Sarah the Servant-hearted

A full day. Danny was preaching this morning. Loads of younger unknown faces there today. Home to get washing out the machine and put another load in, and to collect the dessert Nate and I made yesterday, then off to Sarah's in the countryside. She has lots of land, flowers, fruit and veg, chickens etc...plus a pool she's a generous sharer of! She'd invited us for lunch and a swim which was kind. after several hours with her, we took very sleepy kids home! Good food, swimming and sunshine are a potent mix!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An amazing recovery of Danny's computer... It totally lost everything last night and today...which has a big impact on the charity bank stuff, our own, all his work is on there etc etc... He and the kids prayed and hey presto he opened it again and it's all back on there and in working order! Such a relief!
2) Sarah's generous hospitality.
3) The beautiful sound of birdsong in her garden....reminded me of summer Sunday nights in the garden growing up...birds all tweeting (and Holy Trinity church bells ringing!).

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