
By PicturePoems

Sun and rain take turns

Went to bed with a throat that hurt to swallow and blocked sinuses. Woken without pain in my throat, but sneezy and very tired. Fear a cold is coming on!

However, as the young master was awake a lot of the night, and then little Miss B, too, our poor daughter only grabbed about four hours' sleep, and is running on empty. So we kept LMB entertained until her mum was ready to get up, and soon after the young master woke. I got him up when he did (one of the joys of a sleepover!) and he was full of smiles and quite happy for Granny to clean him up and dress him. Dear little boy that he is!

I've slept for much of the afternoon, when the sun was shining. Then roused myself in time for rain. Then the sun came out again and illuminated our distant 'neighbours' - Grimsthorpe Castle. I'm sure I've blipped this before, but it never ceases to amaze and delight me. (Taken through the window!) My Extra is the young master playing with water in the rain. I was outside, too, in my mac - though it was only light rain and soon turned to sunshine. 

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