
By DawnAgain

Bat in the...porch

We went to Juliot church this morning, as I'm a big Thomas Hardy fan and it's where he met his first wife, Emma Gifford. As I was taking a photograph of the porch I noticed this little bat (a pipestrelle?) having a snooze above the door.

In other news, it was the Championship play-off final today and, knowing we'd be away, Mr DA had thoughtfully booked us a table for Sunday lunch in a pub with Sky TV. So, we walked up to the very steep hill into the old village and up and up to the Napoleon Inn (reputedly one of Cornwall's oldest). It was very friendly and the food was pretty good, however, it turned out they weren't screening the match as they had a folk singer in playing live instead. Ordinarily, I'd have been delighted about that, but not today!

In the end I managed to get a 24-hour subscription to a screening service and we watched the first half on my phone in the pub, then legged it down the hill again at half-time and watched the second half on my laptop back in the cottage. Anyway, well done, the Saints!

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