
By HareBrain

Canal Walk

Up early to grab 2 12" square plant pots from Aldi which were advertised to be in store today, and was very pleased they were, so purchase made. 

Then a nice walk along our local stretch of the Shropshire Union Canal, view from Bridge 63.  Bumped into a friend who I hadn't seen in a while so had a lovely catch up and further on I had a good chat with a couple who were cruising on their Narrow Boat for the Summer??  She was doing her washing on the foredeck in extra.  Anyone remember the twin tub washing machines??  I do, of course!

Later a visit to #1 daughter for a cuppa and a long awaited catch-up.

Afternoon,   planted up the Dahlias in the new pots.  Did some more gardening until rain stopped play.

Evening:  Now off to cook dinner.

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