Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Barnacle Goose gosling

Yesterday afternoon we left a cool and rainy Norfolk and had an easy journey to arrive in sunny, warm Kent in time to check into the hotel and get ready for our function. The hotel was an upmarket hotel that turned out to be a total rip off - a county town hotel at London prices for a matchbox of a room with a bathroom the size of a broom cupboard. We could barely walk around the bed the room was so small. Not sure if they hiked up the price because of the bank holiday weekend but it was extortionate. We were not happy about that! 

The 40th anniversary party was lovely. We arrived in sunshine and had drinks overlooking their beautiful garden. Their son is one of Luke’s closest friends and we enjoyed chatting to him and his fiancé about their upcoming wedding. A delicious dinner, some speeches and dancing. The dress code was black tie with a touch of ruby and luckily I have a ruby coloured dress that was perfect for the occasion. The problem was when it was time to leave - we had a taxi booked to collect us at 11.45pm so went to stand outside and it never arrived. To be fair the venue is very remote in the Kent countryside with narrow lanes and overgrown hedgerows, and no lighting so it is tricky to find when dark. There was no signal so we struggled to contact the taxi company to find out where our driver was, but after waiting 45 minutes on a dark country lane the taxi finally came. We were not impressed that he was late as he had squeezed in another pickup before us which was why he did not arrive on time. Needless to say it was a late night by the time we got back to the hotel. 

We were up quite early, had a delicious breakfast at the hotel and then left to return to Norfolk. Adam and Anna had arrived yesterday and they had a nice evening with Tommy last night. 

When we got back Gavin took Xena to the beach for a walk. Later we went to The Victoria at Holkham Estate for lunch which was delicious. We then walked around the estate for a while but had to keep seeking shelter under trees from the sudden rain showers. There were numerous ducklings and goslings, this is a picture of a Barnacle Goose gosling - mama goose is in the extras. The deer heard is also very large there and they are all looking so healthy.

We spent the late afternoon relaxing, although Tommy had to tutor a student and Adam and Anna were working. It will be an early night for me tonight!

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