
By Jamjar

This is only the second rose that I've ever had in my garden, I'm hoping the buddleia (patio variety) doesn't swamp it.

A lazy morning, then after lunch I walked to the local shop to collect a parcel and carried onto the allotment. The flooding has gone thank goodness, although it's obviously been wet while I've been in Yorkshire. 

I hoed and weeded, dug a bit of a trench ready for more rain and earthed up the potatoes. There seem to be a few coming up all over the place, but I don't think they're mine! The second planting of runner beans is growing well, all of 3" high but no signs of slug damage. Yet!

Now for more Masterchef :-)

P.S. it looks as though John will be kept in Preston hospital for a few days, may be more, he's still completely immobile.

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