
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 72/91
Main activity: Sun - bike, around the house, Ellen
Notes: Woke late, groggy and achy, tight and fatigued feeling muscles. Still headed out on bike (the first scene of the moon above the heart) but did a loop around the park back behind the PO (new find tho it's small) and then nearly got lost in the rambling acres of the mobile home park just a bit east on 8th Ave SW - couldn't believe how big it was but empty streets and only saw a few people walking (prob went ~5 mi in there w/ some loops). 10 mi total on the bike and was ready to be done. Shower and washed a load of darks. Was flipping shows and had coffee and texting w/ Ellen and then we ended up talking on the phone for awhile. Did a meditation to ask the Pleiadians a question and got an immediate hit and directive about "despair" - emotional processing and woke up about 2 hrs later. Watched Peanut Butter Falcon on Netflix - the song at the end really impacted me and so synchronistic: Running For So Long (House A Home). Another day where the AC just kept running and running - couldn't stand to leave it to heat up ... Still tired ~10p but managed to stay awake until almost 11p.

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