More Mud Daubers

I find more interesting stories on the internet about them. For instance under 'Are Dirt or Mud Daubers dangerous" ?
They are harmless but the most dangerous incident of a mud dauber happened when flight Birgenair Flight 301 crashed over the Atlantic Ocean. All 13 crew members and 176 passengers perished in the crash. The plane had been sitting on the tarmac for two days wtih uncovered pitot tubes. Investigators believe a black and yellow mud dauber got into the tube and built its cylindrical nest inside, causing faulty air-speed readings that were a large part of what caused this crash.
(from 'thrivepestcontrol' website.
Now I googled wipikedia about the flight and it said that the plane was on the tarmac for 20 days (not 2) there you can find out all the details about this incident.

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