
By suehutton

Cricket, luvly Cricket!

Now that his paternal responsibilities are not quite so pressing and because the boys can accompany him, George has signed up once more for Loughborough Outwoods Cricket Club.

He was called on to play today but spent most of his team's innings on the sideline waiting for his turn to bat. He was number nine in the order. He played the ball once and scored one run. The next time he faced the ball, he started running but his partner at the other end didn't. Thus he ran himself out. To be fair, the other chap had not long before had a cricket ball strike him in the face.

We left at 5 pm so didn't see him bowl but he got the first wicket, a fine catch in the deep.

Kat came with the boys and two balls for them to kick about. They went to meet Len who was walking Basil at the edge of the field.

It was a lovely afternoon. Grey clouds soon disappeared. A cool breeze took the heat out of the sun.

It must be seven years since I last saw George playing cricket here. A major innovation is the LED scoreboard which the scorer updates as the action proceeds. See extra.

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