The Untrained Eye

By untrainedeye

The Road to D Day

I'm not sure this is Blip material but  it’s my record of watching a film   today . So here I go. 

Today I saw the FIRST ever showing of one of the most significant and disturbing deterrent for war I’ve ever seen and which my modest Blip photo’ today doesn’t reflect.

'The Road to D Day’ was created and presented by David Parker and was produced from uncensored National Archive Film from Germany , Britain, Allies and retrospective interviews with survivors and others.

The film covers chronologically from 30s right through to and after final defeat of Germany in the 40’s. It  shows in graphic detail the rise and fall of Hitler and his Allies, his advances, retreats. appalling treatment of Jews and ethnic minorities. Britain and Allies fightback, the final victory and aftermath and retaliations.

It was horrific .

It was an encapsulation of an awful period in World History.

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