
By MrsK277

Different opinions

I managed a dip at 19° for 5mins before the rain came in buckets.
I picked up MrK senior to take him for his hospital check ups. He never wants me to stay...just drop and go. Unfortunately,  Jan was busy, as I usually fo there for a cuppa and catch up, before going back to pick him up. So, I went off to The Stores in Gt Waltham for a coffee and a scone with jam and cream. I had the window seat to watch the world go by. A young couple in the other window, were just celebrating their first baby scan. I wished them happiness as I left. I stayed with G&T chatting, instead of dropping him off and running. I rebooked their Lodges coaches trip to the Cotswolds in July. Hope the weather improves by then. I cut short a conversation with T when she said how wrong it is for so many older people to search out a Nerodiverse diagnosis, when the money should be spent on children. She said they were just jumping on the bandwagon ..... I suggested that people are generally understanding/more aware of themselves better now. The whole provision for children's needs is inadequate....and changed the subject as this is a subject we have differing views on!
The sun started to shine through and H was going for a walk with Amber, so collected me enroute. The aliums and Irises are in full bloom in the park and looking glorious.
I've agreed to a tourist park run in Cologne in September. Stupidly excited already, it's now booked.

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