Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Another New Critter

I was lurking in the garden this morning when this landed on the patio pavers.  Knowing it was something I had never seen before, I quickly grabbed some shots (conveniently, I had the macro in hand).  As best I can tell, it's a Round-necked Longhorn Beetle in the Genus Clytus.  It is much smaller and less dramatic than yesterday's beast of a longhorn, but still another new species for the yard.  My 2024 YardBugs list is coming along nicely so far.

It has been an otherwise fairly forgettable day.  Both Hubs and I are plagued with spring allergies right now so frequent breaks indoors in the AC has been the order of the day.  That said, I've managed some good sorties outside before having to take a break.  

I checked the swallow nest box yesterday and they have 4 eggs now.  Both House Wren boxes have 6 eggs each.  And the 4 bluebird babies are a little over a week old now.  I will do a final check on all four boxes tomorrow afternoon just to make sure all is good before I leave on Monday.  

Last night's movie was "Selma" about Martin Luther King's march from Selma to Montgomery Alabama in the early 60's.  It was very well done.  I feel that it is so important not to forget or ignore the dark periods of history, in the US or other parts of the world.  


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