
By 58jc


This was taken yesterday at Sissinghurst - bigger than any of my Clematis.  Interesting to read article online about the correct pronounciation of Clematis.  

Day started with BP and mad Friday instructor but I think she might have upset one of the ladies with her comments.  No shower or breakfast but straight round to see M who is recovering from surgery.  She was still in bed looking a bit uncomfortable but we sat in the garden and chatted and made us both grateful for our friendship.

Back to the car and 5 missed calls from JC and I was thinking the worst......... but a call from consultant has now turned everything on it's head again?  In the words of No.1 - ' a complete mind-fuck' - hopefully all will be revealed at appointment next week.

OH visited MIL in care home and I planted yet more geraniums but managed an hour sitting in the sun reading a garden magazine.  Bit of a theme going on?  

Onwards and bloody upwards - thank you Lord!!!!!

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