Keith B

By keibr

Enjoying the ferry - (day 5)

We needed to get to ferry terminal by one o’clock so we had the luxury of a relaxed morning. We had slept really well. A foggy sunrise had even kept the dawn chorus silent but by the time we awoke the sun had cleared the fog away.
Using a campsite definitely has some advantages. I started the day with a lovely shower and then picked up our freshly baked croissant (pre-ordered from reception).  We ate a slow breakfast then did some van chores, emptying the toilet, loading fresh water, hanging almost dry washing around the interior, scrubbing the windscreen clean etc.
We made the short drive to the Stena Line terminal and, being nicely early, drove on to the nearby beach and sand dunes. It was good to stretch the legs before a 6 hour ferry trip.
Boarding went very smoothly and smooth also describes the sea between Holland and Harwich. We’d booked a cabin and that was a good move. Our own space to relax, leave our stuff, snooze away a couple of hours, or have a shower. Well worth the price!
A smooth landing too and soon we were negotiating that country lanes of Suffolk in our continental vehicle. That was less smooth with a combination of dodgy route-finding and some minimalistic “diversion”. However we safely arrived at my sister’s in Woodbridge. Of course, we sat up late talking and well after midnight headed upstairs for another good night’s sleep.

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