
By TheOttawacker

The heat has arrived

 Managed a little work in the morning and then got a reminder from a friend that I had, in a fit of organizational excellence, arranged to go for lunch with him today and was I thinking of turning up anytime soon.
Ottawacker Jr had managed to get onto the school volleyball team, so he was down in the far south end of Ottawa all day. He was supposed to be back at 3.30 but, when 4.40 came he still hadn’t turned up. We weren’t worried as he was with friends and their parents, but he had the season’s first soccer match in the far east end at 6.30… and traffic in rush hour is a nightmare. He had apparently been playing in his friends’ back garden, in the 30-degree heat, and had “forgotten” to call to be picked up.
And did that ever show in the match. He’s still not able to play in goal because of his elbow ligaments, so played as a defensive midfielder. He was run ragged – and exhausted after 20 minutes. The team lost 5-0 to a Toronto FC Academy team – who weren’t very good, to be honest – and so we had a suitably chastened Ottawacker Jr in the car on the way home.

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