surprise, surprise!

I was just idlying through the newspaper as we waited for one of our lunch partners to turn up. And the biggest surprise of the day hit me. I saw a photo on the front page of the supplement section which looked unreasonably familiar to me. It was one the photos that I have clicked at a dance concert in office last year. I had no clue how that photo reached there. There were a few other photographers present (including some hired professionals) at the venue, which left an iota of doubt in mind that this might not be mine. So I came back home and checked it against my archives. It is quite similar but I am not sure whether it is the same or not. The tones etc look quite similar but the one on the newspaper is a closer crop. On inspecting my version, I figured that getting that crop out of my photo wont be a difficult task. But still, the photo printed on paper is so small is size that I cant tell anything for sure. I will let this pass.

Tomorrow I leave for a weekend mountain biking trip. We plan to ride 170kms over the weekend, through the hills, by lakes, villages and on dirt roads. Sounds exciting. I liked the way the leader of the group described the track. 60% - bad, 20% - very bad and 20% - extremely bad :)

I will be back in town on Monday so all the backblips and journal follow-ups will be later next week. You guys have a great weekend!

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