Today's the day

By sheilwill

Cairn Chorus

Today's the day ........................ for Galloway SangStreams

It's late - and we've just got back from the most wonderful concert in the Easterbrook Hall, Dumfries, that started off the Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival.

Galloway SangStreams was an idea conceived by musician/singer Kate Howard and her choir - Cairn Chorus - 'to tap into the rich cultural legacy and vibrant creativity of this area with songs, music, words, soundscapes and images inspired by our landscape, heritage and changing climate'.  

Also performing tonight were acclaimed local poet, Hugh McMillan, and the well-known local musicians Emily Smith and Jamie McClennan.  Apologies for the quality of the above picture - I was enjoying the concert too much to be concentrating on photographs!  It was taken right at the end of the evening, when the choir were applauding their conductor.

The capacity audience were treated to a superb musical treat - it was a real privilege to be there and to share in it ........................

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