Hospital selfie
I went for bloods and consult today but treatment is still on pause. While the scans showed no cancer, they did show something on my lung that is not cancer.
The scans have now been reviewed by the radiologist and it is thought it is probably inflammation and probably caused by the drug as it has been known to do this in other trial participants. They said it wont get any worse and it can be treated with steroids, but I am not being given them yet because I have no symptoms and so they want to confirm it definitely is that first. I feel absolutely fine.
So next steps is a high resolution CT scan, a lung function test at The Brompton and a referral to a lung specialist.
The reality is that this is not likely going to all happen within the time frame for me to get back on the trial (max 12 week pause is allowed) and so my treatment is probably over.
I feel deflated and a bit worried, and frustrated, but the doctors don't seem overly concerned so I just have to hope the drugs I have had are enough and it won't come back.
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