For the family

By RonaMac

An unwelcome visitor

A late picture as I’ve been busy. This visitor should have been relocated but I didn’t. 

An interesting visitor this morning, one of the ladies from the U3A craft group. I planned to do a sock rabbit workshop but it was cancelled as I was unwell. What she has agreed to do is share the teaching in case I have to pull out again. Everything is prepared. 

She only started sewing about 5 years ago when she retired, but is enthusiastic to learn as many new skills as possible. I’ve been doing all sorts of ‘stuff’ for more than 70 years and I love sharing skills so we make a good pair. 

Amber was very well behaved I’m pleased to say. We don’t have many strangers visiting the house being fairly new to the area and I wasn’t sure if she might be a bit uncertain. 

The rain has ceased, but the wind blew like ‘what’s it’, making it cold. 

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