Sunlight and shadows

The sun burns brightly today as a heat wave settles in on the northeast. I am grateful it held off until after my party on the 4th of July. This is not to say we had a cool day for our annual BBQ, anything but. Still it was not oppressively hot, like today.
This is my second day of sitting and staring into space as I try to get my energy level back up after such a large-scale event. My husband spent the day taking down tents and cleaning up debris from the fireworks display as well as raking the lawn that looks as if a circus has been through our yard. Is it worth it? It most definitely is. Everyone is so very appreciate of us opening our home up to be together, eat good food, laugh, and swim, and have a good time.
Yesterday I left everything and went to the beach and afterwards we went to a friend's house where we showered and then went out to dinner. I was getting out of the shower after the beach and I grabbed the towel my friend had given me from the towel rack hanging on the wall outside the tub. As the towel spun towards me, the towel bar flew off and the round metal end of the rack when up into the air and *plopped* into the toilet bowl!!!
I was thinking to myself that I could not have done that if I tried and now I would have to stick my hand in the bowl to get the round metal disk out. I know its clean water. We all know its clean water...and, who really wants to stick their hand in there. I am standing in the bathroom now with a town around my body and the bar from the towel rack in my hand thinking I could use it to 'grab' the end of the towel rack out of the toilet bowl. Well, that did not work so well. It was wedged in there. Ugh! Okay, I did not want to tell my friends that not only did I break their towel rack but also, I have jammed the toilet so I called my husband up to the bathroom.
He came up thinking it was his turn to shower and saw me standing in my towel and holding this pole in my hand. He asked me what the heck I was doing. I pointed to the toilet. He looked at the toilet, looked at me and then looked at the wall where the towel rack once was. He told me to close the door and then he took the poll from me and tried doing what I already tried to do. Then, much to his disgust, he reached his hand in and tried to wiggle out the stupid metal piece. No luck at all. He told me we needed pliers.
I opened the door and yelled, "Rich, do you have a pair of pliers?" Our friend answered back with the obvious question, "Pliers??" So I yelled back down the stairs that I knocked the towel rack off the wall. He said, "Oh don't worry, I'll fix it tomorrow." I yelled back, "Um Rich, it's more than the towel rack. I sort of jammed the toilet with the end of the towel rack." Then next thing you hear is Rich coming up the stairs and saying "You didn't flush did you?"
He got the damn piece out and now he had another project to add to his list of things to do today. I am still not quite sure how that happened but we did make it to dinner and I am going to be very careful the next time I grab a towel off the towel rack!

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