Everyday Life

By Julez

Yesterday's rain seemed to have moved on this morning when I finally surfaced after falling asleep again once Brian had left for work. It has still been very gloomy, overcast and quite nippy, but my weather app said that the chance of rain for Lincoln today was zero so I got a bit of laundry done.

Some time was spent looking for some notes made on a bit of random paper a couple of months ago - I did find it and then promptly lost it again so had to search for it twice. It is now in a safe place ready for when I actually need it!

After looking for a Blip in the Arboretum again, then fetching some milk and a couple of other things from local Tesco I had lunch and then watched another episode of Vera. This was interrupted by some of the local drug addicts choosing the passage between our house and next door to have a big argument. Someone (Not me - I wouldn't unless I felt I was in danger.) must have called the police - unless they were just randomly passing and happened to notice!  Then I could go back to watching my programme! 

I will be at work tomorrow - first time for three weeks! I like my job but I do need something a bit more regular really - financially at least! Having time to do the things I want to do is fine, but now I don't have the cash! A proper job would be great but I'm too chaotic! (The paper incident is typical!) I try to be organised but things still happen! At least I've not locked myself out for a while.. (Touch wood!)

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