
By HeidiHH

Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera

the yellow stuff behind us. We call it Rypsi. This is what I found online: "Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera is an oilseed which has many common names, including rape, field mustard, bird's rape, and keblock. The term rapeseed oil is a general term for oil from Brassica species."

Anyway, I finally got to do my last summer's basic training route 35km and my knee was fine. I'm so happy! I did my rehab exercises later and one of those does hurt. But I'm still doing it as I'm supposed to.

I think Buddha will get his trim tomorrow. It's gonna rise to 27°C. Today we had 25°C. It seems we are having the hottest May in record even with the nights going to freezing figures at the start of the month.

We might get some rain on Saturday which is long waited. It's so dry.

My cherry trees are blossoming nicely. The plums have only few flowers. Older berry bushes look really good. We will be able to eat much more berries this year from our garden, but I don't think I'll have anything to freeze yet. Only Saskatoons.

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