
By Hamp5on


Yet. Another. E. B. 
Oh dear, I need to get better with intentional photo taking!!!! This was a fast selfie to send to the artist of this painting. She called to say the place it was in weren't paying for it and could I collect it! Late morning I went by and there was absolutely zero trouble picking it up, thank goodness!
The first part of the morning was collecting post and having coffee with the ES guys - always a joy.
I've spent a lot of time reading about chaplaincy policy and guidelines in the NHS and the Prisons too... Interesting, lots to think on. 
Tonight another 2 hour discussion zoom, always stimulating. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fun on WhatsApp with Deb!
2) Danny handling a hard situation well.
3) Danny helping me so much the last day or 2, decluttering my essay and whittling down the word count! 

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