Peas, beans and weeds
Dry this morning, but rain forecast for the afternoon. Spent the morning indoors, beginning to go through my holiday pictures, some 600-700 of them. I shall get rid of at least a quarter of them, I expect.
After lunch I loaded up the car with my beans and peas and drove down to the Walled Garden. Since the new owner will be taking over in September the Green Shoots team have been working hard to prepare the old Walled Garden at Dunollie, which will be their new home. This garden is looking pretty unkempt now, as there's little point in keeping it up and few folk will be using it this year. My pea and bean bed was overgrown with weeds and I spent an hour an a half weeding round the pea supports but when it began to rain I gave up and came home, plants still in the car. I don't seem to have the energy I had even last year!
The runner bean sticks were all down, so I'll need to re-erect those too - not as many as last year as I have five tubs on the deck which I've planted up - a quicker pick!
Quote of the Day: 'A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except learning how to grow in rows. - Doug Larson.
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