Strawberry flowers
It looks like summer is over before it even began!!!! However, it is not cold, and I must admit the plants in the garden are loving the rain.
Bob's treatment is working very well, the district nurses are amazing, and today two podiatrists turned up and will come regularly, it seems. All good.
After lunch I headed to the town centre as I wanted to spend a book token that I have had since my birthday last year. Have been watching The Tattooist of Auschwitz' and am interested to read the book. I also purchased 'Landlines' which had been recommended to me.
Home to coffee and filling in a study for Shape Tomorrow being instituted by the Office of National Statistics, which covers a range of topics, including work, unemployment, retirement, education, health and caring. I can't imagine that the information they receive will make a blind bit of difference to their activities, but I will fill it in! It seems they will gift me a £10 voucher for taking part. Perhaps I can donate it to a homeless person.
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