
By WharfedaleBex


I was browsing Blip last night and spotted BT away from home. On closer inspection, she was in Cornwall. Not knowing the geography around here, I looked up her location and discovered she was 7.2 miles away! How cool is that?! 

So I had plans to meet Sarah but this was on my way so I wondered whether I could find her en route.

I had to hunt around trying to find her and even found myself accidentally in the offices section of the building before locating my BlipBuddy.

Glad we’ve finally met BlackTulip, albeit briefly!

It was then in to find S&D via a quick supermarket dash at Hayle.

I made it to St Just on time and in time for a bit more rain. Huge welcome from Titus which was lovely - he never had a look in with Little Dog around! We sat and chatted in their spacious van until the sun came out.  Sarah took me on a local walk down to the stunning cliffs and old mine buildings. The wildflowers were exceptionally beautiful and we enjoyed strolling along and catching up on three months of news.

What a splendid day! 

I’ve now headed a bit further east, not convinced that the tiny high hedge roads really suit cycling so I’ve made a plan for tomorrow and then have my next idea for a location lined up. 

Tired now!

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