
By Teasel


It’s been a quiet kind of  day.  I eased myself into the day by reading my book.  TT headed off to church and I wandered down to the co-op, then came home and went for what turned out to be a seven mile run.  I ran out to Sandy’s Mill, then back along by the river.  The river path was pretty overgrown in places and was wet – so I soon had very wet feet.  While I mostly enjoyed the run, and the coolness of the day made for good running conditions, I did not enjoy the nettles, grass, docks, thistles and other assorted weeds that had overgrown the path.  As I was battling through it, I was thinking of ticks, and it was no surprise to find one on my leg when I was in the shower later.
TT made breakfast rolls for lunch, which was very welcome.  At least today I didn’t feel totally exhausted by the heat – which was good.  Later I pottered, TT weeded and I eventually sat in the garden for a wee while to enjoy the sunshine with my book before wandering to the supermarket for provisions for tea – suggested by BB and to be cooked by TT, which seemed like a good deal to me.
Later we facetimed TT’s mum, then I went for a walk to stretch my legs and saw the haar coming over the top of the Lammermuirs.  It was quite chilly with a cold north east wind.  I had a sweatshirt and a jacket on and still felt the chill. 
BB should have been studying today, but he was mostly chatting about football and then watching football.  He was very disappointed when his team (Arsenal) didn’t win the league. 
There’s a great display of alliums in our local park.

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