Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Growth spurt

It is only a few weeks since I planted the lettuces. They have grown wonderfully well compared to last year. I put that down to improving the soil with the compost that I got free from the recycling centre and the almost daily rain we have had over the past two or three weeks. Again it was sunny this morning, then we had heavy rain in the afternoon. I collected a freezer from a friend who was disposing of it for charity so I made a contribution. Another friend came to help me load it into his car but the freezer was trapped in a small room with other appliances. We ended up having to remove the door, move a washing machine and tumble dryer just the few centimetres that were possible and then having to rewire a plug that got ripped off squeezing the freezer through the door. Fortunately the freezer fitted into his estate with just a tiny margin to spare but unfortunately my friend dropped one end about a foot so I hope it will still work! I returned and went to French conversation for the last half hour and then onto the dentist. I was expecting a mouthful of rubber to make a mould for the two crowns to go on my implants. However, things have moved on and the whole process was done with scanner on a probe that mapped all my teeth on the computer. Clever stuff.

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