Another respite day
Funny day, still full
of cold and stressful sending
Ben off to respite.
Ben had a runny nose this morning so I was worried he might become unwell over the next couple of days, when he's supposed to be at respite, so I've spent the morning briefing school and respite about how he is and what to look out for. School later reported he's had a tricky day but the cold doesn't seem to have really materialised yet, so that's something. I still feel grotty so I've been trying to take it slow but there's always something to do! Photo is from when I sat on the sofa with a hot drink and some cereal to watch a bit of telly and Leo decided to leap up next to me with his ball. He was not successful at getting me to play!!
Respite have been in touch now saying that he's fine and they're having a nice evening so I think I can relax a bit now :-)
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