
By fitzbilly


We've been into Cheltenham today for an eye test for mrsfb. We did think about going on the bus again but I decided to drive and park in Waitrose (still clawing back the £40 fine I got for staying over the free 3 hours last year). I also thought I might find some graffiti on the walk into the town centre, for Mono Monday.

As I took my first photo a young woman came running up to me saying 'have you just taken a photo of my car?!'. I explained no, I was after graffiti and she was very relieved. She had parked on double yellow lines and thought she was going to get a ticket. She then gave me some recommendations for good graffiti sites, but they were across the other side of town.

I was just lining up this shot when I heard a motor bike coming around the corner, and hey presto I got what I wanted. Most of the graffiti I saw was unintelligible but I like to think this says 'Turbo'.

Camera club AGM and awards this evening. I will get my trophy back again.

One year ago: 

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