Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Pentecost and a paddle

The glorious summer weather continues ... I know it's still technically Spring, but this hot sunshine belongs in summer and it may be all we get, so I'm appreciating it properly! Even church was warm enough - just - to survive without any heating on wearing recognisably summery clothes. And of course today was Pentecost, with its imagery of fire and excitement, and the amazing decorations created by our floral genius - and the music: the last hymn had our tenor to my right belting out the conclusion an octave up and it was all rather splendid. 

We had coffee in our garden with Di, and stayed out to eat lunch because no-one was cutting grass with a noisy petrol mower (they were doing it as we left yesterday) but came in later for a rest because we were too hot. And then of course we had to go for a walk, just because, and headed to Toward to walk along the shore road. The tide was way far out, the sea was calm, the young black cattle were dozing in their field, and the water looked so inviting that I simply had to stick my hot feet in it, though I had to walk halfway to Rothesay to get the water up to my knees. The extra photo shows the path down to where I paddled. 

Dinner was late because I got caught up in dealing with dates and emails, including a nice one from our dear Bishop Kevin who was translated to Glasgow during Covid and who was inviting us to his farewell service in the cathedral there before he retires. As I told the Glasgow diocesan office, we still regard him as our bishop ...

A post which we hope will be filled by a vote on Tuesday, when the electoral  synod meets. Spare us a thought ...

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