
By Teasel

Forget me nots

I was feeling rather ropey this morning, so instead of going for an early morning walk as I had intended, I went straight back to bed.  I felt a bit better when I got up later, but not fabulous.  I pottered for a while, then went out to the pop up bakery to buy some bread.  Late morning, I had some toast  which I think helped to settle my stomach.
I didn’t have much in for lunch, so popped out and picked something up.  I had a veggie wrap and really enjoyed it, and started to feel much better.  I spent the afternoon doing chores around the house, then sat out in the garden for a wee while and read my book before cooking tea.  I was feeling much better than I had this morning so risked going out for an early evening run.  It was a lovely evening and although I didn’t have much energy, I really enjoyed my run.
The boys enjoyed my chicken curry for tea.  TT then settled down to watch another bond movie.  Tonight it was Moonraker.  I watched a wee bit, but it didn’t hold my attention.  I had an early night.
I didn’t get round to getting a blip today, so this is an emergency blip of forget me nots from the garden.

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