
By HeidiHH

Two things

blossomed today: Saskatoon trees and Bergenia. Bergenia will grow lot taller, but today it started to open the buds. 

I've spent the day baking and gardening. I baked 3 different breads. All came out brilliant. My husband just came home and also tasted all of them. Could not say which is better as they were very different kinds and all truly yummy. 

Another day that we reached 26°C and sunny. The nature is in dire need of rain. First little rain in sight next Saturday. At least it cools down few degrees for the beginning of the week. My tomatoes are starting to look tired, no matter how often I try to water them. Perhaps it's the shock going from minus degree nights to over 30 and 40°C in the greenhouse, even with the doors open?

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