
By spannarama


Got up fairly early and had breakfast with Kate before she had to set off around 9:30am.  It was so good having her here and catching up after so long.

I had taken the morning off work, so had a pretty restful few hours, although I did pop out to drop off a parcel at Martin's house (which he'd accidentally had delivered here, to his old address.  I love this view on the way back home - really makes me feel like we are properly nestled in amongst the trees and hills.

Got straight back into it all after lunch.  Lots of emails etc to catch up on after just a couple of days' leave, but made a bit of a dent in it, at least.  Mark and Jay came back at lunchtime today (having finished their work elsewhere), and got on with building the base for the summer house.

Poor Tim was feeling quite coldy today - it had moved straight onto his chest, so he started his back-up course of antibiotics.

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