Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

This is, I believe, a marsh fritillery.  I had no idea they could be seen on the Magdalen Hill reserve, but I must have seen 30/40 of them.  Amazing!  There's another in Extras which shows the patterning better, but I just loved this beautiful (mini) beast balancing on one of the buttercups that have now taken over from the cowslips of last month.  In fact, I enjoyed myself so much this afternoon I might spend a sizable chunk of my summer up there ;))

Monday tomorrow.  Particular thoughts to all the world's workers and I hope everyone has a good week  xx

WFW24_08 - a reminder:
As from midnight yesterday, we are now in WFW24_08.  Results from the -07 challenge will be in my journal from midweek

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