
By ayearinthelife


After yesterday’s frenetic activity, a much slower pace of life today. We went for a meandering stroll around town, with many stops to gaze into the river and at the scenery generally. Mrs C was suffering due to having overworked some of the muscles in her back when we had our PT session on Wednesday, so she requested frequent rests whenever a convenient bench appeared. It was also very warm, which is not conducive to dashing around!
The fair was gearing up for its last day as we went past. I’m surprised the council haven’t tried to move it from this site on New Road. It’s a very narrow strip, which fronts on to a three lane road. It used to be a free car park but was landscaped several years ago. Just as the grassy bits are looking reasonable, the fair comes along and wrecks it again. Presumably, it’s all to do with this land being designated “common land”, though this didn’t seem to be any obstacle to the council fencing it off to stop cars parking there! There was a big hoo-ha about it at the time, and I don’t think there was ever a satisfactory explanation given. Sounds about right for the council.
Arrived back at where we’d parked the car to find it well and truly splattered in bird sh*t! So much for the cleaning and polishing yesterday - got to do it all again this afternoon!

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