Keith B

By keibr

A very showy tulip

This flower will have to represent a tough day's work in the garden. All the potatoes are now planted and the beds that are going to be dug over are done. Jan has been equally busy with flowerbeds, and preparing other beds for the peas I'll plant tomorrow.
It's all a bit hurried and stressful because we are soon going away for a longish trip and all the planting needs to be done now! We couldn't do it earlier because the ground was frozen or still too cold.
This makes us extra happy that the tulips and daffodils have opened up now so we get to appreciate them before we drive away on our trip to Scotland.
I'm actually writing this (and the 17th's blip too) the day after, because I was just too tired to do anything yesterday evening.  I slept extremely well!

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