
By BrianMac

Company of Educators

I am now a Freeman of the Company of Educators following the declaration Ceremony which preceded the Installation Dinner at Painters' Hall.

The Company of Educators has been founded, within the philanthropic tradition of the City of London livery companies. It provides a forum through meetings and social occasions to bring together senior representatives of all the sectors of education to encourage discussion and the exchange of views.

The Company also operates a charitable fund to support individuals and projects in work that is intended to develop the process of learning and its management, and by encouraging and rewarding those individuals by means of appropriate grants, awards and medals.

In pursuit of these aims the Company seeks to be inclusive in its membership and activities, transcending the traditional boundaries between the different sectors, and particularly between academe and business insofar as the latter concerns itself with education, training, and development. It believes that it is unique in providing this cross sector forum. Furthermore "Education" is lifelong learning - from cradle to grave - which is a dynamic process needing investment of money, time, energy and enthusiasm.

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