
By Tryfan46

Catasands, Sanday

The promised clouds appeared overnight leading to a cool grey dry day.

Our first port of call was back to the Kirk for a couple of hours on a wild flower walk with many of the people we were with yesterday and some new folk too. All very enjoyable, we felt we had known them for ever.

It went a bit flat in the early afternoon while searching in vain for a coffee. No such luck so we came back to the Airbnb for an instant coffee and an impromptu snooze.

Things picked up later in the afternoon as we called in at Rod and Sylvia’s at their invitation and spent a good 90 minutes engrossed in wide and varied conversation with them leading to us exchanging details and an invite to come and see us next time they’re in Kent.

We ended the afternoon walking out along these sands toward some impressive dunes. Time prevented us from completing the whole walk as I had Susan’s birthday dinner to prepare: Orkney steak with all the trimming.

One more day on the island then it’s back to Kirkwall, ferry to Gills Bay and onward to Kinloss for a few days with family

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