For the family

By RonaMac

An action packed day.

A special trip to Birmingham today. R gave us a lift from home to the station. Previous rail trips have been via Derby, but today the easiest route was via Stoke on Trent. We changed there and got off at Birmingham International. An interesting walk took us to our hotel, the Moxy. I’ve been to quilt shows at the NEC many times by coach from Lincoln, but have never seen this area. 

Our room overlooked the lake, with numerous Canada  geese and Grey leg geese on the grassy areas, with their offspring. We had to go investigate the area and find the venue for tonight’s concert. We are here to see and hear Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra. We’ve seen them on TV many times, but this is the first live performance. Seeing them on TV during the last New Year holiday prompted me to search for events and this one in Birmingham appeared. 

 It was a very appreciative audience who were happy to join in with the dancing, including two young boys who were brilliant!!! 
It was an excellent evening, so entertaining. The whole day has comprised of many experiences that can be repeated for future events.

A short walk back to the hotel for a beer before bed. 

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