I am camera

By Martinski

Today I have been mostly channelling Moby Grape

Moby Grape were a San Francisco based rock band of the latter half of the 1960s. Unfortunately they were over-hyped as teen sensations and to some extent they crashed and burned in haze of drug-fuelled psychosis. They played short spikey songs many of which  were wonderfully melodic. With a three guitar attack and five way vocal harmonies. (In this respect they may have invented Crosby Stills & Nash) Great music. I love it. Sometimes people who don't make it are more interesting than those who do. 
      Two of the members of this band became itinerant people. When one of them, Skip Spence passed away, the bar tab at his funeral was paid by Robert Plant who loved their music. 
     The sample below is called Murder in My Heart for the Judge.

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