Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Inside the Barn

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Our household is divided in two. Like North and South Korea.

The problem is Punky. He just cannot seem to accept the two interlopers, who Caro has named, "The Barn Cats" on account of they wander around the neighbourhood all day, coming and going into the downstairs bedroom as they please.  

This afternoon, as I was working from home, I thought I'd pop in to see if they were in. And they were! And they were happy to see me!

I laid on the bed with them and gave them many pats and they purred for me. 

But then I heard  "eep eep eep eep eep" at the door. 


Daytime belongs to The Scottish Cats, so I made my excuses and left. But I will see The Barn Cats again tonight. Punky goes to bed at about 8pm every evening and that is when Crashy and DG get to come in and run around the living room, eating everything. 

And maybe one day North and South Korea will reunite. But right now Punky has eep eep eep eep eep eep to say about it.


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