
By Schoenies

Comfort food.

I made these muffins for my friend and her husband who are nearing the end of packing up their house.( note the cheap plastic plate that can be thrown away!!) It hasn't been easy as there has been a lot of tension between them - she wasn't ready to move but her husband insisted. To make matters worse they don't have a place to move to, so will be spending time at a guest house while they find somewhere smaller to stay.
I think this is the reason that I am on a sorting out frenzy!!! I don't want to be bogged down with possessions when/if we decide to scale down.
It's been a lovely day today. Coda and Pumpkin had a wonderful morning at the Bark Park. There were six Labradors there, no dogs Pumpkin's size, but she didn't mind and joined in the fun with the pack!

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